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METAXYUM Grouping-Moving-SpreadingOpening speech by AI, 2019,  National Gallery of Kosova, Prishtinë



AI and I 

Since 1984, the FILIOART group has been working and exhibiting anonymously. With the help of computer and artificial intelligence, these groups saw the opportunity to still contact the public while remaining anonymous.


The first attempt to explore this area was the work welcome human, 1998, by D.N.K. FILOART. In the year 2000, in the Kunsthaus Tacheles Berlin, in the middle of the entrance of the exhibition “Implosion” a pedestal was placed with a computer monitor on top. Every visitor who wanted to visit the exhibition had to pass by it. On the monitor the visitor could read the text: “welcome human” and hear a synthetic sound with the same words. In this exhibition of eight FILOART groups there was no artist, curator or anybody else to host the guests – the computer was the only one who welcomed visitors.

welcome human, 1998, D.N.K., Kunsthaus Tacheles Berlin


Talks by AI and I 

The first lecture where collaboration between AI and humans took place was at the artists' lectures on the topic "Teams & Subjects" (2008) organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and curated by the conceptual artist Judith Siegmund  "The formation and concept of FILOART" 
After the talk, the audience had the opportunity to ask FILIOART questions online, and straight after, the audience's questions got their answers projected on the video wall. Soon after (in 2009), this talk was presented at MoAA Berlin.


 The formation and concept of FILOART, 2008, Talk, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin


The next talk took place at the "Pecha Kucha" event in Berlin in 2008, made by U.R.A. FILIOART, and the topic was "Protection from the Protection" about the device Infrared light against surveillance camera I.-R.A.S.C. 

Protection from the Protection, 2008, Pecha Kucha  Berlin, U.R.A. FILIOART



At the same Pecha Kucha event in Berlin in 2011, the talk "Kunstkrematorium- Space-Ing" by Psychiatriepatienten FILAORT was held. Later, the same lecture was held at MoAA Berlin and the National Gallery of Kosovo in 2019.

Kunstkrematorium- Space-Ing, 2011, Talk, Pecha Kucha event in Berlin, Psychiatriepatienten FILAORT


 In the same year, "Manifest for the Near Future" was presented at the Museum of American Art Berlin. In 2020, the last talk was presented with artificial intelligence at the Minibar Berlin titled "Between Space, Matter, and Time - METAXYUM."

The Manifest for the near future, 2018, Talk, Globalodromia / FILOART

Link to the video



Exhibition Openings by AI and I

On June 25th, 2017, an exhibition titled METAXYUM "Entartete" Kunst was unveiled at Galerie M in Berlin. What made this exhibition among other truly unique was the fact that it was opened not by a traditional figure such as a gallery director or artist, but rather by an artificial intelligence.

The collection, curated by the World Anonymous Society (W.A.S.), was met with surprise from invited guests who were not accustomed to such an unusual approach to exhibition openings. However, the success of the METAXYUM "Entartete" Kunst exhibition led to the use of AI systems for similar events in the future.


METAXYUM "Entartete" KunstOpening speech by AI, 2017,  Galerie M, Berlin


Two years later in 2019, inauguration of "HOW LONG IS NOW" was made made by AI

HOW LONG IS NOW inauguration of the Work, Opening speech by AI, 2019,  , Globalodromia, Friedenstrasse Berlin


At the National Gallery of Kosovo the exhibition METAXYUM Moving-Grouping-Spreading, was also opened by AI. 

METAXYUM Grouping-Moving-Spreading,  2019, Opening speech by AI, 2019, National Gallery of Kosova, Prishtinë



In 2022, at the center of Prishtina the inauguration of the work HOW LONG IS NOW was made by AI  .

HOW LONG IS NOW,  2022, inauguration of the Work, Opening speech by AI, Zahir Pajaziti Square, Prishtinë





The inauguration in the digital space

The inauguration of the work "WHERE IS I," (24.09.2023) which resides in the public space, was broadcast in the digital realm this time. It was a multidimensional game within space. The inauguration of the work, along with the public, became a piece of art.

Since the inauguration of the work was conducted in the digital space, people from all over the world could participate. The number of participants was not limited, and all participants were in the same position regarding this event. In this space, the public also changed the form of participation in an event of this type and turned into an anonymous audience.


From the Anonymous group to the Anonymous audience

From the formation's beginning, the concept of the presentation of the Globalodromia group (part of the FILOART Movement) had been and remained anonymous. But now the group went even further and anonymized its audience.



 WHERE IS I, 2023, the inauguration of the work was made  in the digital space, 2023, Sheshi i Lidhjes, Prizren

Link to the inauguration