Sacrarium I Hemiantrop, The Temple of the half-human, 1998, D.N.K.
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In one black box in the shape of a coffin two monitors were placed, one side projecting the perspective of the body from the head down, and the other the perspective from the foot up. Inside the box you could see a slowly breathing human body lying as if in an incubator for the grown people. The condition of this body is very hard to determine.
Is it half-dead or half-alive? Sleeping or vegetating? Dying or trying to stay alive? How far is the human being ready to go, only to be in the center of the spotlight. Is this what somebody will do, only to get on TV? To be inside the Black cube, to die, only to “live” on TV? To get in the Temple of modern transhuman being, to get “sanctuary”, to become a “holy relict”? Is this dying to live, or living to die or the living dead?

Sacrarium I Hemiantrop, The Temple of the half-human, 1998, D.N.K. , from the FILOAR Group Exhibition Implosion, Kunsthaus Tacheles ,2000
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