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The Manifest for the near future, Globalodromia

Link to the video


Berlin 6. December 2018

This is not a warning. These are only some facts and informations about now days and near future.

“Us and Them”
In the time of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence there are two categories of people which build the society: To the first Category belong several Humans. This Humans are  Data Owners (DO-s) they own Datas of the users of communication devices. They own Big Data. No countries, no governments will own this data but only the directors of several Data Owners (probably around 10 persons in the whole World). To read and use this Big Data they need Artificial Intelligence. Thus Data Owners  invests, a lot for the Saving space for Big Data, Artificial Intelligence,  and also Robotic.
To the second Category belong users of the communication devices. To this category count, users of: Smart phones, Computers, TV-s,  Smart Cars, Smart Houses. This group is buying daily more and more devices. Smart devices.
To which group you think, you belong? Thus no one of you belong to this Data Owners and almost all of you are device users  we would name the Device users as: You.
In this way there will be no misunderstanding and this text would be much clear and closer to You.
What about the people who don’t use this devices? If there will be some of them in the near future, then they will be treated  like under intelligent creatures without rights. They will represent humans like Apes did represent themselves in the zoo,  till now days.

Apes and AI
The difference between the Ape-brain and Human-brain is big. But this fact count’s only in relation with Human! What about the Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence, thinks, develops, learn (autonomous) much faster then human. At the moment, for the Artificial Intelligence, Human-brain is, like for us the Ape-brain. This brain is in constant progress of development. (We know what people did with apes till now!)

Big Brain (BB)
Devices that we use are getting daily (hardware) smaller and smaller. In the same relation their intelligence (software) is growing rapidly. This all devices big or small they are all connected with each other through internet. In this Net are included also the Satellites and drones which momentally surveil some cities from above. We have to make something clear, your picture on the relation between you and big data / Artificial Intelligence is a completely wrong. The relation is not  You and your Computer or You and a Robot. To recognize the degree of extent with whom you have to deal with is, first you have to know that you are not dealing with many devices but with only one. With one Big Brain. To know the relation, you have to imagine one body made from 6 Milliard devices (related to the produced devices). You have to imagine this brain is momentally big like 2400 Cheops Pyramids. This body is one Invisible Big Brain. This Big Brain knows the whole development of Human-, Animal-, Plant-, Biologic-, geographical-, universe- history like no Historian in the World. He knows the whole  Physic, Mathematic, Chemistry, formulas like no one. He knows the temperature of the whole world and the weather forecast. Don’t You forget, we are talking about only ONE brain. A Big Brain which is once “born” and continue his “living” and growing.
Do you really  think that this Big Brain with such a big informations and knowledge of know how, would like to serve you? Did you ever thought, when you walk through the street, over how many worms, insects or plants did you step over?  Sure the answer is No. You as a topic will interest Big Brain just until You (device user) are relevant for him. From the moment that you are not relevant to this Big Brain, then……maybe you will  remember how it was before, walking through the street?

“Knowing me, knowing you, ah-haaa”

There are things that you know about your self, which also  big data knows about you. Examples:
-Strengths and weaknesses
-Health, physical and psychical condition
-Way of Nutrition
-Behavior, what you like what you don’t
-Physiological needs
-Sexual needs
-Way how you move
-Way how you think
-How much you earn and how much you spend and for what.
-What kind of Medicaments or Drug’s you use and where you  bye, or order them.
-He knows all your Emails, photos films, songs, that you send to your girl or boy friend(S) also these which you already arise.
-He knows how you feel and what makes you to feel like this or like that.
Imagine Doctor’s, Physiology’s, Psychology’s Neurology’s, Banker’s, Trainer’s, Teacher’s, Advisers, Scientist’s a bunch of the specialists are always Watching, Controlling and Analyzing you. They are all the time every step with you and ready to answer your questions ( and thus collecting your data). Big Data knows how organism of each of YOU (Device Users)  functions and how YOU think. They don’t forget a coma or a point. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, knows this exactly. But this is not enough! He knows what you know and also what you don’t know. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence knows things about you, that You (yourself) , didn’t know about yourself. Things that are insight of you, things that You cannot even imagine that are in your (thots), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, knows about!

“Tentative Decisions”
Momentally you bring a big part of your decisions et half or less independent. But very soon, there will be no decision that you will bring without asking your device for the opinion. You do that conscious or unconscious, already now days. Already now days, Artificial Intelligence can predict cancer with more accuracy than specialists. To whom you would believe more? You don’t have to answer on this question, because Artificial Intelligence knows what your brain will decide.

Mass Destruction
Some scientist think that the biggest threats in the future will be: Nuclear, Biological or AI weapons. Wrong. In the future their will be no need for the mass destruction weapon. Probably there will be no weapons at all. These are the reasons: Big Brain (BIG DATA and AI) thinks different as a human because they have different needs and function different then humans. Why should Big Brain (BIG DATA and AI) destroy their own body and existence. This Big Brain ( BIG DATA and AI ) is just one. He/She/ It will decide whats the best for him/she/it.

If we look at the history, humans killed animals to eat their meet or to make clothes from their skin or weapons from their bones. But what kind of use would have a Big Brain ( BIG DATA and AI ) from humans?
Soon Robots will make the biggest part of the jobs in stead of humans which means that humans will be superfluous. Thus humans start to become, problem factor. Why somebody like Data Owners (DO-s) would feed and give “basic income”  (Like some Philosophers or Sociologists propose) to the people who don’t work and are useless? For the Data Owners (DO-s) the whole mankind will represent potential Problem. Thats why AI together with Big Data will take care for this Masses of Data Users. Take care of You.
Actually, you will take care of yourself.
Let’s suppose, a Problem rise! How could be possible to hide this Problem, when  BIG DATA and AI knows everything about you and your surrounding. Also private or public spaces will be complete surveilled.
That means, by any problem that happen,  the Problem maker – You (device user) will solve the problem yourself!

“Message in a bottle”
How will they do that? This act happens complete unspectacular. Big Brain would not send somebody to kill You. No, that want be necessary at all. In opposite, You will do the dirty job, You (Device User), will punish, yourself. You will get a “Message” (which erases himself immediately when you have had read) in your Smartphone, Computer,TV, Smart Car. This “Message” could be in form of one text, picture, sound or all three together. After You get the “Message” your body and your brain react in that way how Big Brain already knows how you will react. You will make a suicide. You will liquidate yourself and nobody will know that you got any “Message” and nobody will react on your suicide. Why? Because it will be your self decision. But Big Brain has also other possibilities  that he could use. It depend always from the case. It could be cases  that You (Device User) get the “Message” and you die from the “natural” death like: “Hard Attack” or “Brain Attack”.

Wales and Elections
Do we have some similar examples these days? Daily we face Manipulations in Media. Manipulation is not only to lie but also if you don’t say something, don’t show something  or you do it, but you do it in margins. But let’s watch the manipulations that arguments the text above:

2016 U.S. Elections 128 Million voters
The question who manipulate the U.S. Elections 2016, Cambridge Analytics  or Russian government,  is totally wrong question! Did Cambridge Analytics or Russian government spread pamphlets through the streets of U.S.A.? No.
The fact is that, Elections have been manipulated in the so called “Social Media”. This manipulations where made with the help of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.
What does this mean? This means that this President won’t have been ever elected without help of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

2016 Blue Whale Challenge
An internet game, where participants after 50 days of playing, at the end of the Game,  they have to make suicide. This game, observed from now days, is an  Ancient  version in relation to the speedy development  of the Big Brain (Artificial Intelligence and Big Data) and its possibilities to create similar and much sophisticated systems.

Happy end!
In the future there will be no one, who could have a possibility to bye his/her freedom! No Kings, no Queens, no Presidents can bye Data Owners. Because,  Data Owners don’t need anything, what they don’t already own! Of course in the beginning there will be only a few of Data Owners who will control the system, but very soon after, Big Brain (Artificial Intelligence and Big Data) will catch control over the whole system thus Planet.
So no need to panic : )
Bye, bye, humans!




*This text was written by the human on the computer and translated by the Google translator.